
Monday, May 14, 2012

Winner -Save the Earth Cricut Crawl

It's time to announce my winner of the Fantabulous Cricut -Cricut Crawl (our version of a blog hop).
The crawl was so successful and it was wonderful to have so many visitors to my blog, thank you so much for taking the time to visit and leave a comment each comment really brighten my day! Blog friend are the best! 
During that hop I offered the "Independence Day" Cricut cartridge to someone who left a comment and became a follower (it you weren't already).
Before I share the winner I want to remind you to head over to Fantabulous Cricut for this weeks challenge:
Prom-enade  -Make a project using a tux/dress or prom/dance theme.
The projects made by the talented design team are so fun and inspiring.... you got to go check it out!!!  -HERE
on the the winner...
I'm using to choose a winner from the wonderful 43 comments.... thank you again!
and the winner is...
#37 Holly
Holly said: Love the scoring idea Robin! I'm so going to use this on my next Pringles can that I decorate! Holly :-)
Congratulations Holly for being the winner of this fantastic Cricut cartridge, please contact me 
at robinscreativecottage @ yahoo .com (remove spaces)

Everyone remember to head over to Fantabulous Cricut for this weeks challenge : -HERE

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to Holly. May she make many wonderful Patriotic creations with the Independence Day Cricut cartridge.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"


I appreciate you taking the time to visit my blog, thank you so much your your kind comments, they make my day!